BiBurn Highlights

System usable at high or low temperature for high-end component functional tests.
Nominal operation qualification under stress!
True dynamic aging solution for DDRx, High Capicity Nand Flash, High Res Image Sensor, etc. Available now!
Designed to be used in your existing oven thanks to the patented « air-cooled » system : no equipment change!
Easy to use: "on-desk" comfortable component installation. Easy to handle system with in-oven latch and automatic connection.
Reconfigurable, reusable for different component types and different developments.

BiBurn Benefits

Many of existing component tests activate only an extremely limited surface of the die (e.g. DDR-Sdram) and do not stress the sensitive parts of components (e.g. Flashs / floating gate).
Some recent components, such as FPGA, SoC, etc … , may present fault trees whose intricacies follow their own complexity. Bibench solutions helps you address this issue by allowing test under real conditions.
Nowadays the life expectancy for a commercial component (smart-phone, computer...) is less than 4 or 5 years against 10 years formerly. Using these components for reliable applications therefore requires deeper tests. Keep cool : our systems are there for that !
Highly qualitative tests compared to static burn-in or pseudo-dynamic testing: brings more failure modes with more objective results for better Go/NoGo sorting.
Optimized test time: for flawed components, no parametric test required… Independent test slots: partial batches possible, the stop of a faulty component has no influence on others…
Defective components are instantly detected: replace and restart position with no dead time.
Reliable system, recognized in the space field.

R&D Services

Zynq Ultrascale+ radiation test
BiBench is also innovative in services with recognized expertise in the field of complex components / systems, mostly in the space domain...
Emulation / ground development systems for Nanosat / Microsat.
Reference design for SoC and FPGA based systems.
Development of radiation test systems for complex components (SoC/FPGA, DDRx, Image Sensors ...).
R & D on dedicated components testing systems.

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BiBench Hemeria OBC BalMan

OBC BalMan

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premiers OBC BalMan
à Héméria.
Le début d’une grande aventure !

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